Product Information > JADE Initialization File Reference > Chapter 1 - JADE Initialization File > QueryStatisticsTraceOn





The QueryStatisticsTraceOn parameter switches on or off the Query Execution Statistics logging diagnostics.

Set this parameter to true if you want to log the execution statistics for the query, including the statistics listed in the following table.

Statistic Description
ElapsedTime Length of time for the query to execute
NumAuthorized Number of objects that passed the security filter method
NumDbReads Number of objects read from the database by the query
NumIfDefineds Number of times the query processor has converted a run‑time null object reference or an object of an invalid type in an expression into a null value
NumLockFailures Number of times the query processor detected a lock exception
NumOperations Number of internal operations that were performed during the query (for example, database reads, join operations, and so on), which are a measure of how much work the overall query has done
NumProgressCalls Number of times the progress dialog was updated
NumReadFailures Number of times the query processor was unable to read an object, usually because of an Object Not Found error
NumResults Number of result objects produced by the query
NumTruncations Number of times the query processor was forced to truncate a value to fit it into the provided tuple
NumSecurityCalls Number of times the security filter methods are actually called

Parameter is read when …

The executable first uses the JADE Report Writer to run a report.